Bufa Hypur Konz
- Is a concentrated eliminator of unpleasant odours and an active ingredient additive for hygienic cleaning processes
- Hypur Konz provides the garments with a hygienic fresh odour, especially in aged and nursing homes.
- It effectively eliminates odours like urine, fire, perspiration
- Product Codes: BUFA HYPUR KONZ
Product Information Sheet
Bufa Hypur Spezial
- Is an odour absorber with intense deodorizing effect.
- Hypur Spezial eliminates strong odours before and after the drycleaning process.
- It is universally applicable in laundries, carpet care and drycleaning
- It is effective in the elimination of odours caused by fire damage.
- It can be used for all kinds of textiles, but delicate woollen articles should be treated with care.
Product Information Sheet
Bufa Terasit Lotus |
- Wet impregnating agent
- Aqueous protective fabric finishing agent
- Water, oil and soil repellent finish
- Finished fabrics stay permeable to air
- Soft and supple feel
- Product Codes: BUFA TERASIT LOTUS 10lt
Product Information Sheet
Bufa Reoxal
- Prevents colour transfer of dissolved dyestuffs during washing and can eliminate non fixed colour damage (wet cleaning only)
- Largely prevents transfer of dissolved dyestuffs during washing or spot removal
- Eliminates colour damage caused by dye transfer provided they are not fixed
- Can be mixed with water in any ratio
- Available in 1 Litre, 10 Litre
Product Information Sheet
Bufa Finishing Spray |
- Synthetic resin based finishing agent for spraying
- Suitable for all textiles, fabrics and fibres
- Provides the textile with a full, firm handle
- Improves the wearing comfort of garments
- Reduces the finishing effort
- Product Codes: BUFA APPSPRY
Product Information Sheet
Bufa Water Repellant Spray |
- Fluorocarbon resin spray for waterproofing
- It reliably protects clothing, leather and camping articles against wetness and dirt.
- Finished textiles stay breathable
- Provides the textile with a supply handle
- Ideally suited for post-impregnation of small areas and ties
- Product Codes: BUFA IMPRAG
Product Information Sheet
Bufa Chewing Gum Spray |
- Cooling spray for freezing chewing gum
- Suited for all textiles, textile floor coverings and smooth surfaces
- Effectively freezes chewing gum
- Easy removal of chewing gum residues from textiles and hard surfaces
- Also ideally suited for removing chewing cum residues from carpets
- Product Codes: BUFA CHEW
Product Information Sheet
Stelco Stelcosol E15
- Powerful emulsifying agent assisting the breaking down of stubborn fats and greases by combining the power of Deliminum with the surfactants of your laundry powder/liquid to give clean bright fabrics.
- Perfect for heavy soiled and greasy garments - optimum results in warm to hot water
- Product Codes: STEL COSOLE15
Product Information Sheet
Bufa Lizerna Intensive
- Highly concentrated, low temperature grease solvent that develops full effectiveness as of 30 degrees.
- Ideal for delicate personal linen from nursing homes or heaviliy soiled kitchen textiles
- Versatile applications as emulsifier, wetting agent and detergent booster in all laundry facilities
- Available in 10kg
- Product Codes: BUFA LIZINTENS
Product Information Sheet