Bufa Lizerna Conditioner
- High-performance finishing agent minimising the final finishing/ironing effort
- Preserves the natural properties of the fibres
- Suitable for all kind of fibres
- Positive influence on the drying behaviour, that make it possible using the Bufa 4 wet cleaning to complete the whole process in 60 minutes (dry to dry)
- Available in 10 Litres
- Product Codes: BUFA LIZCOND
Product Information Sheet
Bufa Lizerna Carat
- Lizerna Carat is a special finishing agent/refiner for the innovative BÜFA Care 4.0 Wet Cleaning Process
- Prevent felting of wool and fine animal hairs
- Reduces wrinkling
- Retains ironing properties of the textiles
- Binds residual moisture in the fibres
- Available in 20 Litres
- Product Codes: BUFA LIZCARAT
Product Information Sheet
Bufa Lizerna Aura
- First Class laundry softener with an outstanding scent experience combining scent filled microcapsules releashed on textile use
- Outstanding, constant and long-lasting scent experience
- Achieves a soft, supple handle
- Microcapsules filled with fragrance will release the scent only when using thetextile
- Available in 20 Litres
- Product Codes: BUFA LIZAURA
Product Information Sheet